Sunday, September 18, 2011

Blog #3 "Genocide Project"

Abortion is a touchy subject. Many different opinions make for many different arguments. Pathos plays an important part in any argument for abortion, and can make for an effective argument against it. The protesters on pedestrian walkway are a clear example of the use of pathos. Pictures comparing abortion to the holocaust and domestic abuse are sure to appeal to ideas common to an extremely large audience. Because of the appeal to deep emotional feelings, arguments are stirred, allowing pro life supporters to share their opinion.
The protest is effective in the sense that it inspires arguments. However, there is no logic to the comparisons. Why is abortion the same as domestic abuse or genocide? The casual student walking by on the way to class would not understand these comparisons. It is up to the audience to search for more information. As the instigator of an argument, it is important to give the audience facts as well as thought provoking images.
However, the reason for the protest was to provoke the common passerby's thoughts on the subject of abortion. Therefore, it was an extremely effective display because it appealed to the universal morals that are shared by a wide audience.

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